Welcome to You Can NOT Be Replaced

 check out our ‘about’ & ‘who are we’ at the top of the blog page

‘Write it on your heart that time spent with the ones you love is life’s most precious gift”

Welcome to a journey of being the best you can be for your family. Starting April 1st we will be posting reflections, articles and quotes for balancing life and creating a safe haven for your family. Join us to focus on the good in yourself and others. Reach out to make a difference in the lives of those around you and help us create an even stronger community.

Our website is up, www.youcannotbereplaced.com   make sure you have your kids check it out

 follow us on facebook and twitter  (Lady GaGa is!)


 We have a ‘twitter chick’ who will be updating tweets with positive quotes and song lyrics. She’ll also be filling the kids in on great projects to get involved with if they want or updates on the bands… whatever we find that they might be interested in to help them be their best.

The first batch of ‘I can NOT be replaced’ wrist bands are coming in the end of the week. They are for the kids. We will have packets of 20 for them to pass out to friends here and away at school. The quantities are limited and this the only batch that will be blue and grey. All other bands will be You Can NOT be replaced colors.

The packet comes with instructions and each band has a card with its own set of directions. Sell them for a dollar, bring or send the $20 back to us and we’ll give you 20 more bands to repeat the process with.

Here’s what the card instructions say:

  • Put on the bracelet with the words facing up so you can read it and know that you are irreplaceable.
  • Wear it until you see someone who you feel the band is supposed to be passed to: whether you know them or not. This could be tomorrow, next month or a year from now. You’ll know when it’s time .
  • When you do pass it, tell the person something positive about them or life. That one small act of kindness will not ever be wasted and the band is replaceable but the person is not.
  • Come back to youcannotbereplaced.com for another band. Tell us it’s a replacement band and we’ll send you another one.
  • Go now and Pass….

The cost covers the band and production for more. Interested in the bands? email us at youcannotbereplaced@gmail.com and we’ll take your info

The website is up!!!!!


That’s it.

 Lets get the ball rolling!

you can NOT be replaced!

twitter @UcaNotBreplaced


donations can be made out to ‘You Can NOT Be Replaced’

PO Box 64, Sea Girt NJ 08750

T-shirts and car Euro stickers are on the way, watch for them!